1917 No.48 (2024)

International Bolshevik Tendency

1917 : Journal of the International Bolshevik Tendency–  No.48 (2024)


Stop the Gaza Genocide!
Marxism & the struggle for Palestinian liberation

Campus Occupations under Attack
Biden cracks down on Gaza solidarity

Gaza & the Limits of ‘Acceptable Opinion’
IBT supporter addresses rally

May Day: For Class Struggle Defense of Gaza!

For Workers' Action against War in Ukraine!
IBT speech at trade-union sponsored panel discussion

The Main Enemy is at Home!
Protest to end NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine

The Flotsam & Jetsam Election
No vote for Labour—spoil your ballot!

Rearranging the Deckchairs
Race & class in the New Zealand election

Popular-Front Betrayal in France
The Nouveau Front Populaire & the far left

Independence for Kanaky!
French imperialism, hands off the Pacific!

In Brief
Selections from social media