1917 / Journal of the International Bolshevik Tendency. — 2013. — Version: 2023-04-10. — Visited: 2024-09-08 — URL: http://bolshevik.org/1917/no35/index.html
1917 Subject Index
1917 Issue Index
1917 – No.35 (2013) – Contents
Capitalist Crisis & the EU
Black Bloc Streetfighters & Liberal Pacifists
Quebec Students Fight Back
Quebec: For Workers’ Strikes to Smash Austerity!
Letter to the Internationalist Group on Quebec
Cliffites Vote for Muslim Brotherhood
Greece: A Crisis of Leadership
Trotskyism vs Castroism
Leninism: ‘Irreconcilable Ideological Demarcation’
Veronica Jones & the Frame-up of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Why Marxists Voted 'No' on Prop 34: Abolish the Racist Death Penalty!
Wikileaks, Sex & Imperialist Law: Hands Off Julian Assange!
1917 No.35 (2013)
International Bolshevik Tendency
Capitalist Crisis & the EU
Black Bloc Streetfighters & Liberal Pacifists
Quebec Students Fight Back
Quebec: For Workers’ Strikes to Smash Austerity!
Letter to the Internationalist Group on Quebec
Cliffites Vote for Muslim Brotherhood
Greece: A Crisis of Leadership
Trotskyism vs Castroism
Leninism: ‘Irreconcilable Ideological Demarcation’
Veronica Jones & the Frame-up of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Why Marxists Voted 'No' on Prop 34: Abolish the Racist Death Penalty!
Wikileaks, Sex & Imperialist Law: Hands Off Julian Assange!